EAN13: 3605870006144
The product is indicated as support for renal function, especially in cases of chronic renal insufficiency.
Its use is also indicated after intense exercise in order to promote rapid recovery.
Codes and attachments
1 litre bottle
Sucrose, artichoke, Orthosiphon stamineus, Lespedeza capitata, magnesium chloride
Preservatives: sodium propionate (E281) 6.48 g
Instructions for Use
Horse (500kg): 50 to 100 ml per day. Administer the product mixed with the food ration or as such for 5 to 10 days after physical activity.
Phytorénal may be administered for a maximum period of six months
It is recommended to leave plenty of water available for the horse and to ask the advice of a veterinarian before use .
Codes and attachments
Recommended in combination with:
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